Pain in the lumbar area of the back is a very widespread phenomenon. Paleontologists and biologists believe that this is a consequence of this evolution is the acquisition, such as walking erect.
The main causes of
It is possible to distinguish two groups of motifs, contributing to the appearance of pain in the lumbar region.
Diseases of the spinal column and the internal organs
The pain may occur in consequence of disease, congenital or acquired.
So, to birth defects, in particular, include:
- the changes and the fissures of the vertebrae;
- irregular in shape transverse processes of the vertebrae, their shortening or lengthening.
Cleft spine: 1,2-rear, 3,4-side, 5-7-front
Data problems can be completely asymptomatic or accompanied by severe pain during the execution of certain types of slopes, difficulty of movement, urination problems, mental retardation.
The causes of back pain and neurological the when:
- jamming the nerves in the spinal column the pain can be described as a strong and sudden);
- lumbar osteochondrosis, which develops as a result sedentary and sedentary life-style and causes an annoying pain due to the muscle tension;
- sciatica, characterized atrophic changes of the sciatic nerve (often the pain when the disease moves on the buttock, occurs abruptly and suddenly.)
- multiple sclerosis (this is a disease which is chronic autoimmune that affects the sheath of the nerve fibers of the spinal cord and brain, and causes pain of different localization, manifestations and is very difficult to cure).
In addition, the sharp pain of this nature may also cause:
- degenerative sacroiliitis — a serious illness, which represents the pyo-inflammatory process on the surface of the sacro-iliac joint;
- osteoporosis, the cause of which — the lack of calcium in the body or violation of the share (in the initial stages the disease is characterized with chronic, aching pain, cramps, change of posture).
Another type of pain in the lumbar region — pain, reflected in the forecast.
Perhaps they are the characteristic symptom of a number of diseases of various organs and systems:
- infections of the genitourinary system (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis);
- unstable functioning of the intestine and of neoplastic diseases of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract;
- hemorrhoids, arising from sedentary work;
- tumors and polyps in the uterus;
- complications after the cold after a sore throat, flu, SARS);
- radiculitis (cause lumbar pain down the leg).
In some cases, the cause may be:
- physiological changes (pregnancy, childbirth, menstruation);
- the excess of physical activity (especially lifting weights);
- the strong increase in weight;
- the epidural anesthesia.
In what diseases and conditions back pain?
The causes of sore men

Lower back pain in men can have different etiology and are characterized for its peculiar characteristics.
Age and hormonal changes have little effect on the male spine, but often problems with the prostate can cause medium to deep mild pain.
The main reasons for pain in the lumbar region in men include:
The stiff neck
Often people are not committed to the nature of their work activities physical, are weak the muscles of the back, especially as regards the larger muscle.
The ability to correctly allocate the physical load is necessary to produce.
When lifting weights untrained man moves all the weight on the lower part of the back, and not for the biceps, triceps or pectoral muscle of the department. The consequence of this is the back tension, the muscles of the back.
When you extend the pain which appears and occurs, going down to the hot compression, the warm-up series of ointments.
You can get to know if they stand a long time, and will be held in the supine position.
The cause of the fracture can become a major trauma and trivial injury.
When you change the position of the intervertebral disc, fracture of the lumbar spine can also cause a bad move or loss of balance.
Symptom of a fracture is a severe pain in the lower back or in the area of the coccyx.
Sometimes the pain can move to upper or lower limbs, amplified when you change the position of the body.
The metastasis of tumours in the genital
The pain from metastases of bone in the spinal column stronger, sometimes it will turn into a intolerable.
A visit to an oncologist and do not postpone when the back pain and the testicles or the penis.
This type of pain it is possible to remove only the powerful drugs, the process of necrotic tissue changes stop you probably will not succeed.
Kidney disease
About one-third of male patients with back pain suffer from kidney problems.
The pain in the area of the kidneys is enhanced during the movements, and prolonged stay in the vertical position. At rest, the pain decreases.
If you stay long-term, the pain may gradually grow.
This happens because of the fact that the liquid flows to the kidneys and creates excess pressure on the spine.
After alcohol back pain may also increase.
This disease causes lower back pain on the right and on the back. Sometimes the pain gives groin.
Other symptoms of prostatitis are burning sensation during urination, erection problems.
The main reason of the disease is the stagnation of the blood in the capillaries or bacterial infection.
Causes of pain in women

The female body is always subject to changes in hormonal shock.
Some types of pain in the female body occur in the norm and are not a worrying sign.
The sensation of pain associated with the menstrual cycle
Pain, occur at different times of the menstrual cycle, are not necessarily indicative of a disease:
- During the menstrual cycle, the increased size of the uterus, pressure on back muscles, causing discomfort;
- If the pain to occur before a cycle for 7-8 days, and harm to the stomach, this indicates the need to revise the mode of power supply. Better to include in the diet more fiber-rich foods, and fruit acids.
- Pain at mid-cycle can be associated with the release of an egg from the ovaries;
- Pain after months indicate problems in the functioning of the reproductive system, in this case a visit is required by a specialist.
The pain caused by pregnancy
In the first few weeks, when a woman does not yet know its location, you can hurt your back and belly. As the pain of the nature, reminiscent of premenstrual and often coincide with their aging.
Delayed menstruation in this case we can talk about pregnancy or infectious process.
Sometimes they are possible a little bit of spotting, and are associated with the introduction of the gestational sac in the uterine wall.
If a sore belly and back, and no monthly, the first thing to do is a pregnancy test.
Often similar pain will accompany the woman in the space of a few months, in these cases, the doctor suggests that supplementation with magnesium.
During pregnancy, especially in recent times, the majority of women collide with the pain below or above the lumbar region.
This is due to the fact that the belly growing is having a great strain on the muscles of the back.
If the pain is constant and is associated with the activity, the mom-to-be, you need a bandage support, which will distribute the work load among the different groups of muscles.
If the back pain during sleep and in the morning, probably a woman sleeping in an awkward position.
Help can special pillows for sleep, that support the body and leave the muscle tension. Back pain during the night must pass.
At the end of the pain can concentrate in the lower part of the back to the right or to the left: this is indicative and not on the position of the fetus, and the curvature of the posture.
The pain can pass a pregnant woman, when she sits fully supported on a support.
After the abortion
Women who decide to terminate the pregnancy or have it done for health reasons, practically in 100% of cases complain of pain after the abortion.
The causes of pain may be:
- inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus (dysmenorrhea);
- the stress of a woman;
- the contraction of the uterus after the abortion.
The pain can give to a leg or to concentrate in the bottom of the back.
The pain associated with childbirth
After childbirth, women often experience back pain. Sometimes the pain is localized where the coccyx or the tail bone. This is due to injuries and distortions, obtained during childbirth.
Feel pain can, doing special gymnastics during pregnancy or from the pool.
Breastfeeding mothers can also perform a series of exercises, with particular attention to his posture.
If the pain is accompanied by an increase of the temperature to 37 degrees and above, a woman dramatically throws himself into the heat, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Perhaps this is an infectious process.
The pain caused by diseases of the female reproductive system
To disorders, typically feminine, a symptom that is a sore back, are:
Is inflammation of the urinary bladder, which is inherent to a greater extent in women. Cystitis is easily treated and diagnosed.
Do the urine analysis to check for the presence of this disease is worth the effort, if a burning sensation during urination, pull the lower back when you lean forward, the improvement of the body temperature.
Infectious processes in the vagina
A series of inflammations in women causes pain lying on his belly.
This can be candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis or viral disease.
Similar pain can also be a symptom of kidney failure.
The inflammation of the adnexa
If a woman has a sore back and ovaries, a burning sensation during urination, the temperature has risen above 38 degrees, it is necessary for ULTRASOUND-diagnosis and treatment under the supervision of a specialist (the course of mosquito bites or by taking medication).
The pain associated with the diseases of internal organs
Disease of the intestines or stomach can cause pain in the spine.
Sometimes the pain when these symptoms can radiate to yield or give in the belly.
This clinical picture due to the fact that the brain interpret correctly the signal, which serves the organs.
If the back pain on the right side, this indicates a problem with the liver or the pancreas.Pain on the left side testifies to appendicitis or intestinal colic.
To the left side, the pain can occur during running or other physical exercises. She passes quickly and is not a danger to health.
In the area of the coccyx are possible tingling and annoying pain.
What to do?
The use of ointments
This type of medication is very effective, if needed to improve health at home.

The ointment helps to relieve the inflammation, traction, has a heating effect, if the cold loins.
Distinguish the following ointments:
- anti-inflammatory analgesics (in their composition contains medicinal substances cooling effect, soothe the irritation — menthol, lavender, and pain relievers);
- combination of medications (apply distortions and traumas, together with anti-inflammatory and analgesic action have a healing effect because of their components of heparin, dimethylsulfoxide);
- drugs irritant (effect is based on the expansion of blood vessels and the blood flow to a source of the pain);
- chondroprotectors (one of the active principles of these drugs is chondroitin sulfate used in pathological processes in cartilage tissue, thus actively contributing to the restoration of cartilage surfaces of the joints).
The action, which is obtained by means of injection, in the same way the reception of ointments or oral medications.
The distinctive features of this type of therapy are:
- Speed. Quick removal of a sharp pain in possible only through the contact of the drug in the blood or in the muscle.
- The effectiveness. Injections can deliver the active component exactly to the objectives. The active substance when it is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract.
- The necessity of the presence of a specialist. Do the injections alone is difficult, so you need or a daily visit clinics, or call a nurse at home.
- It is possible to use only on the prescription of the doctor. To cure the discomfort and a strong pain with the help of stings can recommend only the doctor and define the drug. Buy most of them it is possible only on prescription.
The heating
This method of pain relief refers rather to the means of folk medicine.
Heating good to help with the pain to the next character — sprains, hernias, curvature, osteochondrosis.
In such cases, we recommend that you do up to 10 treatments per day.
Infectious during the heating causes the inflow of blood to the affected area tissues and increases the pain.

The massage helps to get rid of pain in the lumbar spine.
He can trust a specialist in a clinic or house hold, in any case, the use of it will be invaluable.
The positive therapeutic effects of massage are the following:
- improvement of vascularization of the diseased part of the body;
- kneading the muscles, which makes them and the ligaments more flexible and elastic;
- the removal of the acute pain;
- the liberation from accumulated in the muscles and subcutaneous tissue of toxins;
- pleasant sensations through the stimulation of nerve endings in the skin;
- the positive emotions.
Well, when the massage combined with the adoption of a steam room or sauna.
In particular, it is useful to steam the twigs of birch or oak, they fit perfectly and stimulates all the vital processes, and increases the general tone of the organism.